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时间:2019-10-25 14:43:22
来源:平和英语村 作者:Myron Chen
1. 如果有一天我们相遇,我们会重新开始吗?
Incorrect(错误的): If someday we meet, would we again start?
Correct(正确的): If someday we meet, would we start again?
2. 对我来说学中文很难。
Incorrect(错误的): I am difficult to learn Chinese.
Correct(正确的): It is difficult for me to learn Chinese.
3. 泰国现在是雨季。
Incorrect(错误的): Thailand is coming into rainy weather.
Correct(正确的): Thailand is in the rainy season now.
4. 你们国家现在几点了?
Incorrect(错误的): What time of a day now in your country?
Correct(正确的): What is the time now in your country?
5. 你可以试几次...
Incorrect(错误的): You can try it more…
Correct(正确的): You can try a few times…
6. 他出国深造去了。
Incorrect(错误的): He went to abroad to further his study.
Correct(正确的): He went abroad to further his study.
7. 我今天去理发。
Incorrect(错误的): Today, I’ll cut my hair.
Correct(正确的): I’ll have my hair cut today.
8. 现在是中国的雨季吗?
Incorrect(错误的): Did China come into rain season?
Correct(正确的): Is it the rainy season in China?
9. 你昨天睡得好吗?
Incorrect(错误的): How was your sleeping yesterday?
Correct(正确的): Did you have a good sleep yesterday?
10. 你为什么不多呆一会儿?
Incorrect(错误的): Why don’t stay more time here?
Correct(正确的): Why don’t you stay a little longer?
11. 你喜欢冰淇淋,是吗?
Incorrect(错误的): You like ice cream, isn’t it?
Correct(正确的): You like ice cream, don’t you?
12. 这是一份高薪的工作。
Incorrect(错误的): It is a high pay job.
Correct(正确的): It is a high-paying job.
13. 我看不出你长得有多好。
Incorrect(错误的): I can’t get over how you look well.
Correct(正确的): I can’t get over how well you look.
14. 温度是多少?
Incorrect(错误的): How much is the temperature?
Correct(正确的): What is the temperature?
15. 别生我的气!我只是在开玩笑。
Incorrect(错误的): Don’t feel anger with me!!! I’m just kidding.
Correct(正确的): Don’t be mad at me!!! I’m just kidding.
16. 我在国外已经10年了。
Incorrect(错误的): I have been abroad 10 years.
Correct(正确的): I have been abroad for 10 years.
17. 他长什么样?
Incorrect(错误的): How does he like ?
Correct(正确的): What does he look like ?
18. 莉莲住在远离中国的地方。
Incorrect(错误的): Lilian is living far away with China.
Correct(正确的): Lilian is living far away from China.