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时间:2019-05-12 14:41:08
来源:平和英语村 作者:Myron Chen
Here are 20 ways to respond when someone thanks you:
You're welcome!
You're very welcome!
These can be used with anyone, but they are a little bit formal. They can be used for helping someone with something (easy or difficult) or giving gifts. You can also use "quite" or "truly" instead of "very".
这两个可以对任何人说,但是他们有一些正式。如果别人感谢你是因为你帮他们做了什么或者给了他们什么礼物,你可以用“You're (very) welcome!”。你也可以用“quite”和“truly”来代替“very”。
No problem!
Not a problem!
No problem-o!
It's no trouble!
It was nothing!
These are casual ways to say "you're welcome", but you can still use them in most formal situations. They are usually used when the task was relatively easy, like holding the door for someone, or you want to make it sound like the task was easy.
这几个是“you're welcome”的比较日常的版本,但是在很多正式场合你也可以用它们。通常,这些说法用在被感谢的事情比较容易的情况下。比如,你帮人扶了一下门。或者如果你想让别人感觉你帮的忙对你来说很容易。
No worries!
"No worries" is also a casual phrase used when the task was relatively easy. It basically means "don't worry about the effort I put into this task" or "don't worry about thanking me".
“No worries”也是日常生活中常用的。通常在所帮助的事情不太难的时候使用。它的本意是“别担心我在这件事中的付出”或者“别担心感谢我的事儿”。
This is another casual way to say "you're welcome", but it also has the implication that you would be willing to do that task for the person again. It's a great way to let people know you are there for them.
Not at all!
"nod-dad-dall" (North American pronunciation) This is a polite way to tell someone that being thanked isn't necessary.
Don't worry about it!
Don't mention it!
These phrases are similar to "no problem", "no worries", and "not at all". They mean that thanks aren't necessary.
这几个和”no problem“,”no worries“还有”not at all“差不多,都是”感谢我没必要“的意思。
My pleasure!
It was my pleasure!
With pleasure!
These are the most formal phrases on this list. They indicate that you enjoyed helping the other person. They could be used for an easy task like opening the door or a more difficult task like helping someone with a task at work. They could also be used when giving gifts.
I'm happy to help!
Anything for you!
Anything to make you smile!
These phrases are a casual way to say you're welcome. They can be used when the task was relatively difficult, like helping someone solve a problem at work or lending money. "Anything to make you smile" can be used when giving a gift, especially an unexpected gift.
这几个有比较日常了。通常在任务比较难的时候用,比如借钱。”Anything to make you smile“还可以在送礼物的场景中使用,尤其是给人惊喜的礼物。
You'd've done the same for me!
You would have done the same for me. Although it's not an official contraction, this phrase is usually shortened into "you'd've" in spoken English. This means "helping you is not a big deal to me because I know you would help me if I were in the same situation." It's used when helping someone with a task or when lending money.
这是一个约定俗成的连读形式,原文是“You would have done the same for me”。它的意思是“帮助你没什么,因为我知道你在同样的情况下也会帮助我”。通常用在困难场景中或者借钱场景中。
No, thank YOU!
This phrase means that the person you helped also helped you.
The reason I recorded this lesson is once a student told me she said "it's my pleasure!" after the proctor said "Thank you!" when she handed in her IELTS exam. She was lucky it didn't happen during her oral exam. You say "it's my pleasure" only when somebody has benefited from what you've done, which in this situation the proctor didn't. I would suggest "you're welcome", "no problem" or "no, thank YOU!"
我录这节课的原因是一个学生告诉我她交雅思考卷的时候对考官说”it's my pleasure!“。她很幸运!因为她不是在进行口语考试。通常只有当你真的给了对方一些好处的时候你才能说”it's my pleasure“,雅思考官显然没有从你交卷中得到直接的好处。这个情况下,我建议你说”you're welcome“,”no problem“ 或者 ”no, thank YOU!“
I can't tell you how to use these phrases in every single situation that someone might say "thank you", so if you have questions about what to use in a specific situation, please ask me in the comments.