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内化英语, 实现流利英语脱口而出的梦想。
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教师来自十几个国家,均持有外国专家证书及 TESOL 国际教师资格证,
融英语教学于生活, 营造浓郁国际文化氛围,
近未来的地球黄沙遍野,小麦、秋葵等基础农作物相继因枯萎病灭绝,人类不再像从前那样仰望星空,放纵想象力和灵感的迸发,而是每日在沙尘暴的肆虐下倒数着所剩不多的光景。在家务农的前NASA宇航员库珀(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)接连在女儿墨菲(麦肯吉·弗依 Mackenzie Foy 饰)的书房发现奇怪的重力场现象,随即得知在某个未知区域内前NASA成员仍秘密进行一个拯救人类的计划。多年以前土星附近出现神秘虫洞,NASA借机将数名宇航员派遣到遥远的星系寻找适合居住的星球。在布兰德教授(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)的劝说下,库珀忍痛告别了女儿,和其他三名专家教授女儿艾米莉亚·布兰德(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)、罗米利(大卫·吉雅西 David Gyasi 饰)、多伊尔(韦斯·本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)搭乘宇宙飞船前往目前已知的最有希望的三颗星球考察。
1. When we set the table, we always set the plate upside-down.
2. Start pulling your weight young man.
3. I mean, it doesn't even qualify as futile.
4. That's the long shot.
5. Tom will be alright, but you got to make things right with Murph.
6. Just remember Coop, you're literally wasting your breath.
7. Okay, Plan A does not work, if the people on Earth are dead by the time we pull it off.
8. I'm not thanking anybody until we get outta here in one piece Rom.
1. After you kids came along, your mom, she said something to me I never quite understood. She said: Now, we're just here...to be the memories for our kids. I think I now understand what she meant. Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future.
2. When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that's you want to make sure your children feel safe. And it rules out telling a 10-year-old that the world is ending.
3. You once told me that when you come back...we might be the same age. And today I'm the age you were when you left. So it would be a real good time for you to come back!
Cooper: Come on! Get to the hatch!
Doyle: Go, go. Go.
Cooper: Shit. Manually overriding inside hatch!
Brand: Cooper! Wait! Cooper don't! Cooper!
Cooper: The engines are flooded! I'm gonna have to shut it down! Holy shit! Hang on! Whoaa! CASE what's the problem?
CASE: Too waterlogged. Let it drain.
Cooper: Goddamn it!!
Brand: I told you to leave me!
Cooper: And I told you to get your ass back here! The difference is that one of us was thinking about the mission.
Brand: You were thinking about getting home!! I was trying to do the right thing!
Cooper: Can you tell that to Doyle? CASE, how much time?
CASE: 45 to an hour.
Cooper: The stuff of life huh? What's this gonna cost us Brand?
Brand: A lot. Decades.
Cooper: What happened to Miller?
Brand: Judging by...the wreckage she was broken up by a wave soon after impact.
Cooper: How's the hell the wreckage stayed together after all these years, huh?
Brand: Because of the time slippage. On this planet's time she, she's landed hours ago, she...she probably just died minutes ago.
CASE: The data Doyle received was just the initial status echoing endlessly.
Cooper: Oh we are not prepared for this. You eggheads have the survival skills of a boy-scout troop.
Brand: Well we got this far on our brains, farther than any human in history.
Cooper: Well not far enough. And now we're stuck here till there won't be anyone left on Earth to save.
Brand: I'm counting every minute same as you Cooper.
Cooper: Is there any possibility? I don’t know, some kind of way we can maybe all jump in a black hole? And gain back the years? Don't shake your head at me!
Brand: Time is relative, okay. It can stretch and it can squeeze, but, it can't run backwards! Just can't! The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.
Cooper: Okay. The beings that led us here, they communicate through gravity, right? Could they be talking to us from the future?
Brand: Maybe.
Cooper: Okay, if they can…?
Brand: “They” are beings of 5 dimensions. Right? To them, time might be yet another physical dimension. To them, the past might be a canyon they can climb into, and the future, a mountain that they can climb up, but to us, it's not! Okay! Look Cooper, I screwed up. I'm sorry. But you knew about relativity.
Cooper: Brand. My daughter is 10 years old. Couldn't teach her Einstein's theories before I left.
Brand: Couldn't you have told your daughter that you were going to save the world?
Cooper: No. When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that's you want to make sure your children feel safe. And it rules out telling a 10-year-old that the world is ending.
CASE: Cooper.
Cooper: How long for the engines CASE?
CASE: A minute or two.
Cooper: Well we don't have it! Helmets on! Brand, co-pilot you're up. CASE, run the cabin oxygen through the main thrusters. We're gonna spark it!
CASE: Roger that.
Brand: Locked.
Cooper: Depressurizing. Engines up!